Two shades sheer-er

Still remember the curtains from the previous post?  See below if you’ve forgotten but I don’t know how you could because they are THE UGLIEST THINGS IN THE WORLD.  OK, maybe a little hyperbolic but whatever.

I had decided early on that I wanted sheer, light, airy curtains.  I have a lot of trees in front of my windows and I’m on the second floor, so not many people can see into my place anyway.  But that also meant I don’t get a lot of light.  Having sheers, I felt, would open up the place.  And I was so very right.


All materials were bought from Spotlight.  I love that place.

OK here is where I freely admit: I don’t have the appropriate skills to do any of this kind of thing.  I am utterly useless.  I have a keen eye, sure, but I’m useless.  That is where the talents and skills of family comes in.  First my dad and my uncle took care of my floors.  Now it’s my mum and my auntie’s turn.


Seasoned sewers, they know what to do.  I had faith I could leave it in their hands.  My parents came over this weekend to put them in.  After a lot of cleaning, wrong sized poles, cutting the poles into wrong lengths, trips to Spotlight for more supplies; FINALLY we got there in the end.



Clean!  I don’t think the lady before cleaned her windows…


Bye bye dirty blinds I never used!


The layer underneath the sheers.



See!  It got cleaner!  Ta da!  My only gripe is that the curtains in my room don’t extend wider than the window.  But look, I’m happy with it.  A vast improvement from the hideous red, silk things that were hanging there.  There’s still something not quite right about my room but I’ll figure it out.

My sofa bed is coming on Saturday!  So I’m hoping it makes the place feel more homely.  The dilemma is where to put the vintage trunks that store all my shoes… My dad hates them, but what does he know?  (I’m using three of them as a bed side table)

So light shades – tick!  Curtains – tick!  Until I can redo the kitchen and bathroom, it’s time to focus on the little details.  Artwork, furniture, trimmings… It’s all coming together!

The greatest model of an idealistic love


Those DAMN curtains!  I wish I could rip them off now.  All in good time…

Time to go sheet shopping (with my non-existent money)!